He is very rude in public and has very bad table manners, so i am often embarrassed to go out with him. For example, one night we went to a Japanese steakhouse, and he was literally SCREAMING to the chef at a table across the room to do a certain trick, and when i told him nicely to stop and hold off until he came over to our table, he flipped out at me. He also smacks his food very loudly while we are eating and it bothers me so much!
Also, i think he might be a pathological lier. seriously. he lies about the littlest things, things that don't even matter...for example, if we have a date he will tell me that he is picking me up at 7. at 6:55 he will call me to tell me he is leaving his house (5 blocks away) , at 7:30 i will still be waiting at my house for him. 8:00, i will call him and ask where he is, and he will say he is in my driveway, ill look out the window. he's not. if he was running late, he could have easily told me so, no hard feelings at all, but instead he has to lie and keep me waiting hours for him. this may seem like only something little, but he does it ALL THE TIME. and i have confronted him about it, and he never listens. Just the other night i invited him over to my house, but only if he could get a ride or drive, because my car broke down. His brother took his car for the weekend so he couldnt drive here either. he told me that his friend picked him up and i didn't think twice about it. later i was talking to his friend, and told him that it was nice of him to give him a ride, and his friend had no idea what i was talking about. he had walked here and lied about it. i just dont understand the point of lying about things so small!!!! (there are many more instances like this)
lastly, he asks me questions he already knows the answer to. How, you may ask, does he know these answers? well its because he asked the same question 5 minutes ago. For example, today he asked what i was doing in the after noon, i told him that my friends and i were going out to lunch, movie, and shopping. a half hour later he calls me to ask if i wanted to go out to lunch and see a movie with him...???? as if the previous conversation never happened. weird. this also happens multiple times a week.
I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. I AM GOING CRAZY OVER HERE AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! the only reason i havent broken up with him is because
1. he does very nice things for me (buys me flowers, etc.)
2. we have amazing physical connections
3. he is very nice to me and never loses his patients.
Do you think its time to break up or should i try to talk to him about for 100000billionth time?|||sounds like he is wayy immature.
hun, break up wiht him.
if you cant stand your boyfriend, then you dont need him
and just cuz he gives you things and is good in bed, dont mean
yall will have a great relationship. end it now, not worth it
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